Sail Past dates back to the very beginnings of Naval traditions and is a ceremony of inspecting a fleet of ships and showing respect to the Commander in charge. Protocol demanded that a flagship be anchored with the Admiral and staff on the quarterdeck to receive and return the salute. Vessels sailed past, dipping their colours in salute, and with their captain also saluting with the ship’s company standing at attention. The Vice Admiral would lead the fleet passing in review and the final vessel in the line would carry the Rear Admiral. Stormont Yacht Club has a tradition that is almost identical, except that the salute is received by the Commodore instead of the Admiral and the salute is delivered by the passing boat.
The annual Sail Past signals the official beginning of the boating season. It is a festive occasion that all members of the club are encouraged to enjoy. This is a day which combines the formality of a traditional Sail Past with a relaxing day spent with friends while enjoying appetizers and a toast to the coming season.
Here are some photos of the event…

Looks like a fantastic day! 🙂
Can’t wait to check this out next year!
May the weather GODS be with us again this year…