Jazz Night at SYC – What a Wonderful Evening!

Saturday night, SYC held what is becoming an annual Jazz night (fingers
crossed). With 2 of our very own gifted musicians (Kate Miller & Ken
Melchin) and 5 other like-minded souls, we were treated to an absolutely
magical evening of music. The talent and passion they showed was awe
inspiring. They played so effortless as a group while also providing each
artist the opportunity to show their unique talents to the enjoyment of the

I want to thank Joy Clinton who arranged this and was able to put this on
the calendar and both Joel Malbeuf & Nancy Fournier for organizing the pot
luck dinner and of course all those members who came out with their food.

If we are so lucky to have them play again next year, please mark this event
down in your calendar as you would be very hard pressed to find this quality
anywhere in the area.

Hopefully if folks have a few pictures or videos we can post or collect and
then share at the commodores dinner.

What a wonderful evening!
–– Brian Branchard

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