SYC Celebrates at the Past Commodore’s Dinner

The Stormont Yacht Club community of sailors finally got the opportunity to gather for the traditional annual Past Commodore’s Dinner on November 5.  To say that everyone was excited is an understatement.  The pandemic prevented the much-loved event in 2020 and 2021.  Safe to say that 2022 made up for lost time.

SYC members gathered at Quinn’s Inn in St. Andrews for a delicious roast beef dinner.  Over 60 people attended including Past Commodores Bob Earle, Michael Beelich, Lloyd Chaput and Nick Cox.  Lots of laughter, sailing stories (some true and some questionable?) and camaraderie ebbed and flowed throughout the evening. A special addition to the event was a trivia game of club history.  And as in previous years, the party continued at the pub after dinner.

Commodore Natalie Bray remarked “It was so wonderful to enjoy our annual Past Commodore’s dinner once again.  It was a real celebration for the Stormont Yacht Club.  Everyone was excited and happy to be together to celebrate our sailing year.”  Natalie was especially thrilled to present the Seagull Award to Lloyd Chaput.

Fleet Captain Francis Clark presented the awards for 2022.  “I was very proud and honored to present this year’s awards.  This is my first time presenting at our annual dinner as the Fleet Captain. It felt great. It was an awesome sailing and racing year and thankfully we were able to celebrate together in style.”

Many thanks to Joy Clinton and Marty Cayer for organizing the event.  Special thanks to Peter Bray for standing in at the last minute to be MC.  It was also wonderful that Zach Zwanenburg was able to show his video shot by drone this past summer of one of the races.  And finally to Michael Beelich and Natalie Bray for taking great pictures to capture the evening.  

The 2022 SYC Award Winners are:

Spring Race Series

A variety of short and long courses with never-ending variable winds made for a great spring series. The winner being Cory Petrie (Beethoven).

Fall Race Series

The Fall Series went off with only one hitch. We ended up running long as we had to have a make-up race because the fleet captain believed in the weather channel. True to form, after the race was called, the wind came up. Beethoven with Skipper Cory Petrie took the Fall Series as well.

Sailor of the Year

Skipper Cory Petrie (Beethoven) was also awarded Sailor of the Year as the overall winner of the Spring and Fall races.

Enduro Race

The Enduro Race was well attended, as crews put in 12 hrs of racing. Lynn-Marie Legault on Mattea took the win in her first Enduro as Skipper. They were doing so well, they almost lapped 2/3 of the spring and fall series winning crew.

Borland Race

It was held on a beautiful day with wind from the west just like we like it. Jiggers counted 73 tacks from the start line just west of the cut, to Chrysler Park Marina. The upwind winner was Paul Rodrique (Sealestial). The winner of the race back to SYC was Peter Bray (Lagan III). The overall winner was Lagan III, who took second place on the upwind leg as well as winning the downwind leg.

Ladies Day Race

The Ladies Day Race trophy was presented twice during the dinner.  This race had not been held for several years but was resurrected in 2021 with Kate Miller (Amorce) as the winner.  For 2022 it was awarded to Lynn-Marie Legault on Mattea.  Both races were a blast with lots of good-natured fun and jostling among boats.  

Most Improved Sailor of the Year

The award goes to Viola Larkin (Chinook).  She improved in the fall race standings, did the ladies day race and really improved in the handling of her boat in and out of the slip. On the last race of the season, it was a blast to watch as Viola and her crew came together and were making crisp quick tacks.

Senior Sailors of the Year

Awarded to an all-round club member who by enthusiasm, sportsmanship and participation contributes to the general operation of racing and cruising activities. This award goes to Mike Guay (Jenna’s Journey) and Rob Zwanenburg (R&R) for Senior Sailors of the year for the adventure and navigation of the waters from SYC to Halifax via the St. Lawrence River. This was not an easy trip and they battled some large water, and conditions that challenged even the most experienced sailors to even take on this trip with all the preparations needed and including other SYC members as crew along the way. Thus, broadening and enriching our sailing community.

Seagull Award

This award is given to a member who has contributed significantly to SYC through long term service and commitment. This award, which takes the form of a hand-carved seagull, was carved and donated by Founding Member Ralph Randlett.  The winner for 2022 is Lloyd Chaput (Chapy). 

Clam Digger Trophy

This award is given in recognition of an unfortunate and amusing incident on the water, usually the result of cutting corners and causing damage. We had a real strong showing for this award. We had shafts falling out of boats. Boats dragging race markers., boats running aground 4 times in one day. Boats that seemed to be sinking . . . it was just a cracked water tank. Boats losing anchors. But, the award goes to Rob Zwanenburg (R&R) and Scott Smith.

Lost and Found – “Lost my spring in Ste-Marie-Sur-Mer in N.B. and found it several days later when my driveshaft started making unbelievably loud noise and I hauled out in Charlottetown, PEI to inspect and repair: What I found was my spring……

My neglect. I should have probably dived on the boat in Richibucto or Shediac or even Summerside but was convinced it was “nothing” major until it became something major… live and learn.”

Upside Down Trophy

In recognition of an odd experience on the water, usually a memorable nautical blunder, faux pas, un-seamanship act. The award goes to Chris Williamson (Essoin). During the Enduro Race Chris was getting frustrated because Knot Normal was sailing past him in the cut, and he could not figure out how they were moving forward with Zero wind! Turns out, the other boat was anchored, and the frustrated skipper was drifting backwards in the current.

Rusty Nail

Awarded to commemorate an embarrassing sail moment or incident. The Rusty Nail goes to Paul Rodrigue (Sealestial), who during a race tempted fate and the current to try and run skirt the rocks. He proceeded to hit the red buoy rocks in Devil’s Water 3 times. It is especially fitting, as Paul feels that my placement of race markers should be more challenging and should be placed in wind shadows and tricky currents.

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